The Marian Festival is a four-day celebration in honor of our Holy Mother. We invite you to participate in our feast day events:
Friday, January 24th:
6:30pm: Multilingual Living Rosary. Followed by Eucharistic Adoration in the Church.
**If you are participating in the Living Rosary as a bead, please join us for a Rehearsal on Thursday, January 23rd at 6pm in the Marian Social Hall/ Church. Refreshments will be served. (PLEASE SIGN UP BELOW)
Saturday, January 25th:
5pm: Vigil Mass in honor of Mary
6pm: Dinner in the Marian Social Hall. (REGISTRATION REQUIRED, SEATING IS LIMITED)
Sunday, January 26th:
9 & 11am: Sunday Masses in honor of Mary.
Cake, Coffee and Donuts after both Masses
Monday, January 27th:
6:30pm: Movie Night in the Marian Social Hall. (Movie Title coming soon). Food, Drinks and Popcorn will be served. (PLEASE RSVP BELOW)
Living Rosary - Friday, January 24th
Festival Dinner - Saturday, January 24th: (SEATING IS LIMITED)
Movie Night - Monday, January 27th: